• A child's education is a co-operative venture involving both the teacher and the parents. While the teacher imparts knowledge in the school, the parents can inculcate discipline and ensure regularity in completion of homework assigned to the Students.
  • The Diary serves as a medium of communication between the parents and the teachers. Separate pages have been allotted for messages from/to the parents/teachers. Parents should check the Diary to access the child's progress in studies and general behavior.
  • Engagement of private tutors in not desirable as it adversely affects self-reliance of the student.
  • Parents are requested to ensure that the students come to the school regularly and punctually. They should be Dresses neatly and be in proper uniform. They should bring the Text books and Note books regularly and maintain them neatly.
  • Parents are advised to intimate the school regarding any change of address and telephone number immediately.
  • Parents must attend Parent Teacher Meeting help once in a quarter to find out about regularity in attendance, progress and conduct of their children.
  • Parents/Guardians are not allowed to meet Teacher in the classroom. They should not enter any classroom to meet their children or the teacher. All complaints/suggestions if any should be communicated to the Principal in writing.
  • If a pupil is absent due to Illness the Principal must be notified immediately. When the pupil returns to the school after absence of even a single day, parents must state the reason for his/her absence in the Leave Record of the Diary.
  • Students who are absent from the school for fifteen days or more without intimation are liable to have their names struck off from the roll.
  • Parents/Guardians must sing with ink all reports, notices, text books, class work, Homework books, when required to do so. This is in the interest of the child.
  • The school is not responsible for the books, money, tailfins etc. lost in the school. Students must look after their belongings and must not bring any valuable to school.
  • Encourage your child to take part in all Co-curricular activities and utilize facilities provided by the school.
  • Parents are informed and especially asked to note that, in the interest of their children and the discipline of the school, it is absolutely imperative that they keep most strictly off the days allotted to the opening and closing of the school.
  • The school authority may at any time without assigning reasons to the parents, strike off the name of a child if it is felt/ considered in the interest of the school.
  • Please note that trousers worn lower than the narrowest portion of the waist are strictly prohibited. Trousers must not be less than sixteen inches and not more than eighteen inches at the lowest point. Tightly tailored trousers are not permitted.
  • Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be addresses to the Principal. The Address and the Phone number should be clearly mentioned the Application.
  • Children are not allowed to go Home during school hours. Parents are advised not to make any social engagements or medical appointments during working hours. To ensure better discipline, parents are recommended not to send the children to school on the day they have any such appointments.
  • To get back the best from the school of their ward, parents are requested co-operate with the school by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline, and to take interest in their ward's work.
  • Parents are advices to check the Diary and the school bad periodically to confirm if any circular/notice (communication) has been issued or if any homework has been given.
  • Should there be any concern about their ward's progress, parents may write to the school about the problem and seek guidance. Their query will replied to after discussion with the concerned teacher(s).